Year: 2020

  • Operating Modes

    Operating modes are utilized by Starfleet to indicate the readiness level of the crew and the facility during a mission. These are also known as Conditions in some situations. Colored Conditions Condition: Green Condition: Green, or Cruise Mode, is the basic level of readiness for any Starfleet facility. During this mode off duty crew are able to pursue R&R…

  • Watch Rotations

    A Watch Rotation is the division of labor of Starbase and Starship personnel to ensure optimal operation and provide services through all hours of each day of the week. The watch rotation practice typically sees the day divided into watches (or shifts) which are set periods of time during which different groups of workers perform their duties.…

  • General Orders

    General Order Number Description General Order 1 As the right of each sentient species to live in accordance with its normal cultural evolution is considered sacred, no Starfleet personnel, Federation citizen and/or representative may interfere with the normal and healthy development of alien life and culture. Such interference includes introducing superior knowledge, strength, or technology…

  • Posting Ideas

    All writers – from veteran writers to newcomers – will run into situations where they may have difficulty coming up with an idea of what to write. To help with this we have developed Posting Ideas to help you overcome your writer’s block General Posting Ideas A computer malfunction reassigns your character to another department for a…

  • Recruitment Ad

    Developing Your Ad Subject Line This is, surprisingly, the most important part of any advertisement that you post about your game and is like the tagline of a movie poster or trailer. The subject line has to draw the attention of your reader because if they don’t like it or it doesn’t speak to them…

  • OOC Fleet history

    In 2001, as many groups started to focus more and more on the quantity of their games and were becoming less and less interested in producing quality stories, the 16th Fleet was created by a group of friends who wanted to explore the Star Trek Universe in a friendly and safe environment. Originally starting out…

  • Timeline

    2380s 2380 Romulan forces begin a blockade of Remus following the Remans petitioning to colonize another world. A cooperative with the Federation to restore Cardassia’s agricultural base is opposed by conservative government members and the True Way. 2381 The Remans seek an alliance with Ambassador Spock’s unification movement on Romulus and request support from the Federation Council. Donatra conquers…

  • Membership Coordinator Responsibilities

    As the fleet grew we decided to clearly outline the responsibilities of each positions within the fleet are. Given the fleets desire for transparency, we’ve made those responsibilities available to everyone to read. Authorized to extend invitations in Zodiac Fleet in cooperation with the Fleet Commander Coordinates the evaluation of new game applications received by…

  • Media Coordinator Responsibilities

    As the fleet grew we decided to clearly outline the responsibilities of each positions within the fleet are. Given the fleets desire for transparency, we’ve made those responsibilities available to everyone to read. Creates and manages a PR plan Develops and implements publicity strategies for Zodiac Fleet, including a crisis management strategy Ensures all company…

  • Personnel Coordinator Responsibilities

    As the fleet grew we decided to clearly outline the responsibilities of each positions within the fleet are. Given the fleets desire for transparency, we’ve made those responsibilities available to everyone to read. Authorized to extend invitations and or terminate membership in Zodiac Fleet in cooperation with Fleet Commander Consult with Game Masters to identify…