New Games to Zodiac Fleet

Good Evening everyone,

I know that there have been some questions recently regarding the introduction of new games into Zodiac Fleet. Typically I do not address questions related to why we did or did not accept a game in a public forum, but I am prepared to make an exception today.

In the past month Zodiac Fleet has had three applications received for new games to begin within our fleet. Our Membership Team, consisting of Game Masters and Players carefully reviews each application and determines if membership will be offered. Due to limited resources we must judiciously explore requests to join.

At this time, for that very reason, we have chosen to withhold the addition of new games to our group. This is being done so that we may focus on the games we already have and provide a quality experience for all. While we do have some new games under development and their work will continue, we are not adding any fresh games unless they have already established themselves, have a minimum of 5 active participants, and active posting for the time being.

I appreciate the good work that everyone here does on a daily basis, which also led to this decision because we want each of our games to be strong.

Thanks for listening and for your understanding. If you would like to discuss please do so in the fleet discussion room on our Discord channel.
