Month: April 2020

  • New Sim – IRW Ourainavassa

    I am pleased to announce that two new ships have joined our team in recent days: Task Group Phoenix is proud to announce that the Romulan Warbird Ourainavassa has become part of our 24th Century adventures. Set in the era of the deadly Supernova, things are about to heat up.  Feel free to discuss this in…

  • Captain’s Log, Team Scorpio

    Military log, supplemental, Colonel Horatio Refelian Commanding. So, Starfleet have assigned my team to a small civilian controlled station by the Typhon Expanse. It’s location seems key for my team having access to the northern powers of the Alpha and Beta quadrants. My team is arriving slowly. I’m impressed with the talent that has been…

  • USS Gemini, Captain’s Log, March 2020

    Captain’s Log, Stardate 47634.44, Captain Sam Hansen Reporting We’ve arrived at the Draeda V colony in one piece, more or less. We did have a very, startling discovery though. We had an unexpected rendezvous with Admiral Reskin of Starfleet Security and Romulan Commander S’Til. It seems, Lieutenant Commander Jaeih, was a member of an ultra-conservative…