Category: Command Resources

  • Operating Modes

    Operating modes are utilized by Starfleet to indicate the readiness level of the crew and the facility during a mission. These are also known as Conditions in some situations. Colored Conditions Condition: Green Condition: Green, or Cruise Mode, is the basic level of readiness for any Starfleet facility. During this mode off duty crew are able to pursue R&R…

  • Watch Rotations

    A Watch Rotation is the division of labor of Starbase and Starship personnel to ensure optimal operation and provide services through all hours of each day of the week. The watch rotation practice typically sees the day divided into watches (or shifts) which are set periods of time during which different groups of workers perform their duties.…

  • General Orders

    General Order Number Description General Order 1 As the right of each sentient species to live in accordance with its normal cultural evolution is considered sacred, no Starfleet personnel, Federation citizen and/or representative may interfere with the normal and healthy development of alien life and culture. Such interference includes introducing superior knowledge, strength, or technology…